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Diversity & Inclusion

D&I are essential to our success as a leading provider of AI Digital Employees.

We understand that creating an inclusive workplace is not just the right thing to do, but it is also critical to drive innovation, attract and retain top talent, and serve our stakeholders effectively.

That’s why we are committed to making diversity and inclusion a top priority - for us and the team our digital employees are a part of.

Unbiased inclusion from the core.

At Empsing, we firmly believe that inclusion must be the foundation of all our diversity and inclusion efforts. Our goal is to create a workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and supported, regardless of their background, experiences, or perspectives. The same is reflected in our digital employees and global teams.

Biology doesn't determine career outcomes.

We are dedicated to promoting gender equity and ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of their gender. Our goal is to create a work environment where all employees have access to the same opportunities and resources, and where gender bias is eliminated.

Whom you love doesn't determine your merit.

We believe that all employees, including those who identify as LGBTQ+, have the right to feel valued, respected, and supported in the workplace. Our goal is to create an inclusive work environment where all employees can be their authentic selves and where discrimination based on sexual orientation is not tolerated.

Disabled does mean empowered at Empsing.

We are committed to creating a workplace that is inclusive of all employees, including those with disabilities. Our goal is to provide the necessary accommodations, support, and resources to ensure that all employees, including those with disabilities, can reach their full potential.

Where you come from doesn't matter. Where you go, does.

At Empsing, we understand that social and cultural backgrounds can play a significant role in shaping perspectives and experiences. Our goal is to create a workplace where all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their social and cultural backgrounds. Neither do we discriminate nor do our digital employees.

Our Commitment